Racial Equity: Resources and messages


Resources (a few to get you started):

Watch the CNN/Sesame Street racism town hall 

Books lists:
Anti-bias Education, Children’s Books for Each Topic; The Children’s Peace Education & Anti-Bias Library
Books and Resources to Help You Raise Anti-Racist Children; Brightly
Beyond the Golden Rule; Written by Dana Williams, Illustrations by Vincent Nguyen

Resources for parents:
Support for taking action to disrupt racism in young children, The Conscious Kid
They’re not to young to talk about race; The Children’s Community School
Talking to Children About Tragedies & Other News Events; American Academy of Pediatrics
How to talk to children about difficult news; American Psychological Association


Community Messages:

March 22, 2021

June 5, 2020

Weather Policy

 Inclement Weather—Children will not play outside when:

  1. The temperature is below zero
  2. The temperature exceeds 90 degrees
  3. Conditions are hazardous, as determined by the Executive Director

*Boots, mittens, snow pants, and hats should be worn in winter weather, as we try to go outside each day. Boots are also encouraged in wet weather.*

Meeting House Nursery School will close when the Madison Metropolitan School District closes its public school programs or its 4K programs due to snow or weather-related causes.

In the event of a school closing the following will occur:

The Executive Director will make the decision to close and will notify all Staff.
If the decision is made to close when MMSD remains open parents will be notified by 7:30 a.m.
Local television station (Channel 15 WMTV) will also be notified and it will be added to the school closures at the bottom of the screen.
If the decision to close school is made after the school day has begun school families will be notified by phone and email.

Illness Policy

In accordance with State Licensing regulations, a child may not attend school if he/she shows any symptoms of illness such as sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, fever of 100 degrees or more, lice, cough, skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, or other illness or condition having the potential to affect the health of others.

A child should be symptom-free for 24 hours and on the required prescription medication, if applicable, for the proper time to assure no communicability.

We will follow State Licensing guidelines and the guidelines of the Dane County Public Health Department with regard to illness and communicable disease.

  • A child who has been ill with infectious hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, or tuberculosis must have a doctor’s permission to return to school.
  • A child who has head lice must be nit-free before returning to school.
  • If a child becomes ill at school, he/she will be isolated within sight and sound of a staff member. The parent/guardian or other authorized person will be notified to pick up the child immediately.
  • Families will be notified in writing if their child has been exposed to a communicable disease.

Health Form
All children and staff will have a health form on file in the school office.

Medication of any kind will not be administered to a child except on written order of the physician and/or written permission of the parent/guardian. This medication must be in the original container and bear the child’s name, dosage, and directions for administering. Medication also includes sunscreen, insect repellent and diapering cream. “Authorization to Administer Medication” forms are available in the office.

Emergency Treatment
Written permission from the parent/guardian to call the family physician or to refer the child for emergency medical care must be on file at school (Emergency Card and Enrollment Form). This permission will be used only when the child’s parent/guardian cannot be reached.