Weather Policy
Inclement Weather—Children will not play outside when:
- The temperature is below zero
- The temperature exceeds 90 degrees
- Conditions are hazardous, as determined by the Executive Director
*Boots, mittens, snow pants, and hats should be worn in winter weather, as we try to go outside each day. Boots are also encouraged in wet weather.*
Meeting House Nursery School will close when the Madison Metropolitan School District closes its public school programs or its 4K programs due to snow or weather-related causes.
In the event of a school closing the following will occur:
The Executive Director will make the decision to close and will notify all Staff.
If the decision is made to close when MMSD remains open parents will be notified by 7:30 a.m.
Local television station (Channel 15 WMTV) will also be notified and it will be added to the school closures at the bottom of the screen.
If the decision to close school is made after the school day has begun school families will be notified by phone and email.