MHNS Board Meeting

Meeting House Nursery School

Monthly meeting of Meeting House Nursery School Board of Directors.

Family Night

Meeting House Nursery School

A night where your child can show the whole family what they have been up to the first weeks of school! Come see the classroom and it materials, any artwork and explore the playgrounds together.

75th Fall Festival Celebration

Meeting House Nursery School

Come join current and former families and staff to kick off celebrating MHNS's 75th year! There will be live music, yard games, open playgrounds, school tours and memory lane room. There will be a food truck if you would like to purchase dinner but donuts from Donut NV will be on us!

MHNS Board Meeting

Monthly meeting of MHNS Board of Directors

MHNS Board Meeting

Meeting House Nursery School

Monthly meeting of MHNS Board of Directors