
Meeting House Nursery School, Inc. leases the west wing of the First Unitarian Society. The Landmark Auditorium was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, notable for his prairie style homes and organic architecture. It is a national landmark visited by architects, students, and tourists from around the world. The nursery school wing, added in 1963, was designed by the Taliesin Foundation to meet the special needs of the nursery and church school programs

The curriculum at Meeting House Nursery School has always been based upon the importance of free play, a respect for children and their ideas, and the freedom for children to explore and develop relationships. The current staff at Meeting House Nursery School boasts a combined tenure of over 65 years at the school.

Over the past 75+ years Meeting House Nursery School has added events to our school year that children and families look forward to every year.  These have become Meeting House traditions; events like family night, Child of the week, Parents’ Night Out and the list goes on and on.