Meeting House Nursery School Board of Directors has two year terms for its members. Would you consider taking on a term starting in May?

Board of Directors Application Materials

We Need YOU!

The Board of Directors is the corporate policy-making body with ultimate responsibility for the total program. Board of Director duties include establishing the corporate and legal existence of the school, setting and reviewing the governing policies of the school’s program, and appointing an Executive Director to be the administrative officer in charge of the implementation of these policies and the day-to-day program operation. The Board’s responsibility also includes the authority for the setting and collection of tuition, disbursement of funds and establishing the nursery school budget. Board members also help to oversee the school’s various committees. Membership is open to parents and interested community persons and includes one teacher representative from the staff. The Executive Director is an ex-officio member of the Board. The Executive Officers of the board are the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Officer at Large. The board meets monthly during the year.
Feel free to call any of the current Board members or the Director if you have any questions about the election or the role of the Board of Directors.
Candidate biographies and ballots will be sent home to current MHNS families in  April for a vote in early May. The election of board members concludes at the Annual Meeting in May, with board members beginning their term at the June meeting. Our school cannot function a nonprofit without at least 11 board members, so please consider a term.

Thank you for considering being a part of our Board!