Extended Programs

Every family’s needs are unique. At Meeting House Nursery School, we understand and strive to offer a variety of schedules to support our families. If you have any questions please contact Devon Zuleger at 608-233-9776 to discuss the options.

AM Extended
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
This is a multiage group of children lead by one of our classroom teachers. AM Extended meets in one of our classrooms (not necessarily in your child’s regular classroom). Permanent spaces can be scheduled in this program. Limited drop-in space is available upon request by calling the office. Please note, children must be 3-years-old or older to participate in extended care programming.

Lunch Bunch
End of AM program/12pm-1:00 p.m.
Children bring their own lunch and the school provides milk. Lunch Bunch can be signed up for on a permanent basis or used on a drop-in basis when space is available. Please note, children must be 3-years-old or older to participate in extended care programming.